Emotional Health

Being a senior citizen—or a caregiver—doesn’t mean you lose your emotions. Check out these posts to learn more.

At Frontida, we want to be your trusted resource. Please contact us to let us help you further.

When Emotions Get the Best of Us

How to Spot Signs of Depression: When Eeyore Has Nothing on Grandma

She’s lost her sparkle, lost her verve, seems to be in a funk.

Is her depression just an age thing? In one word: no. It’s not.

How to Help Grandma's Anxiety--Stomach Butterflies

For the Butterflies in Grandma’s Stomach—How to Help Her Anxiety

Anxiety can be a big problem–It hits almost twice as often as depression.

Want to help? Identifying the “why” is the first part of the battle. 

When Fear is Turning Grandma “Inside Out”

But what do you do with Fear?

Dealing with Grief

Working through Grief So It Doesn't Bog You Down

Working Through Grief So It Doesn’t Bog You Down

They’ve told you it’s good to grieve. That it’s healthy. And you’ve heard grieving is work.

But honestly, you aren’t sure what that means.

When You Can't Be There to Say Goodbye

When You Can’t Be There to Say Goodbye

How can you say goodbye when you can’t hold their hands?

Grieving Mom on Mother's Day

First Mother’s Day Without Mom: How to Handle the Grief

Mother’s Day can be hard when you’ve jost lost Mom. How can you work through your grief?

Surviving Father's Day when You've Just Lost Your Dad

Surviving Father’s Day When You’ve Just Lost Dad

Losing a parent can make you feel lost yourself. And Father’s Day makes that loss all the more stark. What then?

Understanding Every-Day Emotional Needs

Mistakes to Avoid When Your Parents are Aging

7 Mistakes to Avoid When Your Parents Are Aging

Mom and Dad are getting older, which means lots of changes are on the way. But certain mistakes make the course that much harder for everybody.

Setting Their Mind at Ease When You Need to Talk about Assisted Living

Setting Their Mind at Ease: When You Need to Talk about Assisted Living

You’ve seen changes in your parents. They need help. Now—how to talk to Mom and Dad about assisted living?

Decluttering Your Parents' Home

Getting Ahead of the Pack: Decluttering Your Parents’ Home

It’s one thing to declutter your own place, another, to do someone else’s. How do you downsize Mom and Dad without kicking everyone to the curb?

Moving to Assisted Living: How To Help Your Parents Get Used to that New Home Feel

Moving to Assisted Living: How to Help Parents Get Used to that New Home Feel

How can you help your parents not just live in the room, but feel at home at their senior living community?

How to Make Mom's Room Her Own

How to Make Mom’s Room Her Own

You’re ready to move Mom into assisted living, but how do you make her space feel less like a dormitory and more like her home?

Seeing 2020 through Grandpa's Glasses

Seeing 2020 through Grandpa’s Glasses

2020 definitely brought some thoughts into focus

What visions will grandparents take from 2020 (and 2021)

What Grandpa Wishes You Knew About Him—100 Questions to Ask Him

There’s something Grandpa wants you to know. He was young once.

And his walker doesn’t define him.

Emotional Support for Caregivers

Love You Forever--Robert MunschHow to Beat Caregiver Burnout

Survival Guide to Overcoming Burnout

Caregiver burnout is a real thing.

How can you get the rest you need to beat burnout while still honoring your loved one? We’ve got some ideas for you.

24-7 What Caregivers Wish We Knew About Caregiving

What Caregivers Wish We Understood about Self-Care

“Self-care” seems to be the buzz word of the decade. But what does self-care really mean to your caregiving friends? And how can we help?

A New Year Perspective on a Schedule that's Getting Old--Encouragement for Caregivers

A New Year Perspective on a Schedule that’s Getting Old: Encouragement for Caregivers

You feel like you’re stuck in a rut and every day looks “same old” for you and Grandma as you care for her.

How can you add some freshness to your routine that’s starting to feel stale?

Help Grandpa Enjoy the Party Without Ruining the Rest of His Week

How to Help Grandpa Enjoy the Party (Without Ruining the Rest of His Week)

How do you set up the family party so Grandpa enjoys it–without ruining the rest of the week? Here are 12 super helpful ideas.

Choosing Help for Dad without Fighting the Family

How to Choose Help for Dad without Fighting the Family

Dad needs help. You’ve been looking at assistance options—and now it’s time to bring your family on board.

You all need to talk. How do you do it so you work together?

Comprehensive Guide to All Things Aging

The Comprehensive Guide to All Things Aging

The Comprehensive Guide to All Things Aging

A list of all the articles that you can find here on Frontida’s site to help you with your questions about aging.